​​​​​​​Sanctuary of Divine Light

Copyright © Rev. Barbara Dominick, MS, RMT. All rights reserved.

​​​"Honor the humanity we all share, 

for we are the Infinite Light of OneLOVE." 

 "Embrace your sacred inner soul 

to behold the radiant light

of your own Divine Essence."


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Gaia TV:    Gaia is an online streaming video service and community dedicated to providing transformational media to those seeking a fully awake and aware life. Encouraging the exploration and growth of our mind, body and soul, Gaia provides new perspectives, collective wisdom and the content to make real-life changes.  Exclusive videos go beyond the boundaries of mainstream media to reveal new and enlightening perspectives to help you thrive in our changing world. ​

Krys Ra El:   Spiritual Specialist and a trusted Guide of Ether Physics, known for his ability to demystify complex subjects like Gravity, The Ether, Teleportation, and the intricate nature of Time. In the role of a Cosmic Guide and Spiritual Specialist, Krys serves as a beacon of enlightenment, helping individuals reconnect with their true spiritual essence and offering profound insights into the vast realm of Cosmology, including interstellar communication and methods to transcend the confines of 3D Earth existence. Krys provides guidance for those on the path to becoming interstellar citizens and assists in the harmonious alignment of businesses as spiritual entities, all while emphasizing the significance of living in accordance with the divine principles of God's Law. 

Grandmothers Wisdom:  The Grandmothers Wisdom Project is inspired by thirteen elder women known as the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers. We are committed to supporting all people to reclaim their relationship with Mother Earth, advocating for a shift towards a more conscious and harmonious relationship with nature and all living beings. 
We are an Earth-based community dedicated to preserving and nurturing the timeless legacy of ancient traditions, providing us with profound insights into the mysteries of life. Grandmothers Wisdom Project is a collective of women devoted to the restoration and continuation of the essence of the feminine spirit. We stand for peace, justice, human rights, environmental protection, food sovereignty and the health and welfare of children and the elderly, for today and generations to come.

The Healing Trilogy:  Kimberly Meredith is a world-renowned Celebrity Medical Intuitive Psychic Medium, Global Speaker, Influencer, Holistic Practitioner, Hands-on Healer, Spiritual Teacher, and the best-selling author of Awakening to the Fifth Dimension: Discovering the Soul’s Path to Healing.

Phyllis Douglass:  Phyllis Douglass is "Vox Angelus, the "Voice of the Angel", an Invocational Vocal Artist, Seer, Medium and Mystic, bringing through music and wisdom beyond the New Age, from higher dimensions. As a direct and embodied conduit for the consciousness of Elohim, I'm able to receive and transcribe the highest, Heavenly Sound Signatures of sacred design and creation to shift, align, restructure, and change resonant frequencies through directed vocal and energetic Transmission and Activation. I work privately with clients one-on-one and in groups online and in-person.

My Spiritual FriendI use my clairvoyance (to see), clairaudience (to hear), clairsentience (to touch/feel), claircognizance (to know) to help you connect with your guides and loved ones.  It is my intent to empower you to heal, grow, and allow you to make the most of your journey here.
Like most Psychic Mediums, I have had my abilities for as long as I can remember and they have evolved exponentially over time.  

Bashar:  Bashar is a physical E.T, a friend from the future who has spoken for the past 37 years through channel Darryl Anka. He has brought through a wave of new information that clearly explains in detail how the universe works, and how each person creates the reality they experience. Over the years, thousands of individuals have had the opportunity to apply these principles, and see that they really work to change their lives and create the reality that they desire.

Celia Fenn:  Celia is an international writer, channel, Creative and Mentor, who works with the Angelic and Galactic Families, Archangel Michael, the Elohim Angels and the Royal Star Lions,. Since the early years of the 21st Century she has travelled globally and worked online as a Channel and Medium with individuals and groups of people.

Paul Selig:  Paul Selig is considered to be one of the foremost spiritual channels working today. In his breakthrough works of about 10 channeled books, he has recorded an extraordinary program for personal and planetary evolution as humankind awakens to its own divine nature.

Achieving Balance Counseling and Holistic CenterNykenya Hall creates intuitive, integrative, holistic experiences that bring the mind and spirit back into a state of balance, alignment and ease, whether it's a one-on-one session, a group event like Grief and Loss workshop, and a holistic Spirit Circle or monthly seance.  Her service is an integration and fusion of traditional therapeutic methods such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), harm reduction, and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and the metaphysical modalities such as Ancestors and Spirit Guide utilization, guided meditations, psychic healing, chakra alignment creating an individual tailored experience. The mind, body and spirit learn to work at the same beat and tempo, achieving integration.

New Earth Network:  New Earth One Network is dedicated to New Earth Living and assisting all humanity live from the Heart. The programs you find on this platform have been curated from our collaboration with wisdom teachings from spiritual teachers and healers.  We have combined knowledge and wisdom that we share for humanity and New Earth, with integrity and equality.

Crystal Healing for Women:    In addition, Healing Crystals and Gemstones are not only beautiful, and mystical, but also profound Energy Medicine tools, which have been used for centuries throughout all cultures, religions and empires. Crystals bring amazing benefits of Healing, to those who use them. I have been in the business for over 12 years, working with very trusted sources from all over the world, to bring you the best quality Crystals & Gemstones. And, if you are looking for a TRUSTED source for all your Shungite needs, you have come to the right place. When you buy from me, your satisfaction is always guarantee.  

Jodi Serota:   JODI SEROTA is one of New York's leading, life changing metaphysical educators working as a channel, vibrational healer, and professional artist. Her in-depth intuitive abilities and her remarkable sound healing powers are used to create initiations and activations that instantly make major shifts in consciousness and healing.  She offers individual channeled sessions, classes, multi-media concerts and events for consciousness raising, personal growth, & creativity. She was creator and owner of META Center New York and is co-author of the book Healing The Heart of The World.

Synergistic Massage & Energy Healing:  With more than 20 years of experience in massage and energy healing, Diane McKeon offers a variety of healing modalities. I encourage you to join me for complete relaxation with soft divergent music and supportive gem stone mat technology.
However, if you are looking for a deep dive into your chronic pain, stress and experiences that other types of treatments cannot seem to change, try a diverse approach and create a personalized treatment plan that will bring your body into balance and peace. Through this individualized approach to treatment, we will discover your best path to peace.

Judy Satori:  Judy Satori is an internationally recognized spiritual teacher, multi-dimensional channel, sound healer, and Ascension way-shower from New Zealand. Her spiritually guided role during Earth’s Ascension process is to energetically upgrade people so that they can fulfil their own purpose and do what they have come to do on the planet. Judy verbally transmits energy words, known as light language. These Divinely designed frequencies of sound and light have an energetic effect on the cells and the DNA template to activate previously dormant human DNA potential.

Circle of Grace 1:  Brother Francis E. Revels – Bey, is a consummate Spiritual Counselor, Teacher & Numerologist since 1974, has done 40,000 – plus Numerology charts & forecasts & appeared on radio. Brother Francis E. Revels-Bey teaches in private & group formats in person and online his very own Classes, Workshops, Seminars currently in the Southwest where he resides. Many of his topics cover: The Key to Life is Numerology, The Power of Numbers, The Art of Pendulums, Creative Pathwork Meditations, Tai Chi for Inner Spiritual Attunement (ISA-Tai Chi will only be taught 1-to-1 in private format), and so much more.

 Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network:   Anrita Melchizedek is New Earth Guide, Galactic Ambassador, Priestess, Healer, Energy transmitter, Intuitive Apothecarist, Starseed, Light Weaver, Life Coach, Designer, Visionary, Wayshower, Catalyst, Empath, Host, Soul Reader and Mother.  As an Ascension Guide, Anrita works with the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High, the Galactic Councils and New Earth Crystalline Templates. She draws upon the Light codes of Highest Potentiality within the New Earth Templates in the form of sacred geometry, sound, color, and the like, and transmits and shares these frequency codes through her Light work. Her primary gift is assisting the Light Tribe to weave their codes of potentiality and Soul expansion into their greatest expression of Service in Love through reading the collective blueprints of the I Am Avatar Consciousness; the Beloved I Am Presence of all awakened Souls.

Marie Mbouni M.D.:  My quest for self-discovery saved me. I embraced a new calling as a shaman, energy healer, and mentor to others seeking a similar path to enlightenment. I had a deep scientific understanding of what it meant to be human. I’ve studied and cared for the body for over 20 years. But opening myself to the power of the mind, the beauty of intuition, and the all-encompassing power of love changed me. I stepped into my destiny as a healer and embraced my potential beyond the confines of the mainstream.  My gifts are nothing without sharing. This is how I spread goodness in the world. I’m here to help you live your life amplified. You can achieve in business without breaking your spirit. You can feed connection in your personal relationships without draining your personal resources. You can bring change to the world. And we can do it together.

Visions of the Heart Ministries:   Rev. Dr. Anthony Farmer, Grandfather Ocean and Huna TA URUMA HA HI, is a spiritual teacher and visionary. He walks the path of shaman healer, mystic, and key maker. He is a Reiki Master Teacher and independent author. He is an Ordained Interfaith Minister, graduated from The New Seminary of Interfaith Studies in 2008. He received his Doctor of Ministry from The New Seminary in Maryland in June 2016. Grandfather Ocean is a wisdomkeeper and key maker.   He is the author of Forty Days of Enlightenment, guidance for a forty-day inward of self-discovery and inner awareness. He also authored Conversations with the Elders: The Sacred Journeys ,  a compilation of Rev. Anthony’s spiritual journeys in community with The Elders, spiritual teachers and allies. 

 Matt Khan:  Matt Kahn is an incomparable spiritual teacher, highly attuned empathic healer, powerful speaker, and captivating author. He enriches people’s lives by providing heart-centered solutions that ignite, delight, and unite! Matt wrote the highly acclaimed books Whatever Arises, Love That, Everything Is Here to Help You, and The Universe Always Has a Plan, which have been translated into more than a dozen languages. His second book, Everything is Here to Help You, was featured in the “Be Kind” box by Ellen DeGeneres.
